What’s happening in week 17 of your pregnancy?

You may be able to feel your baby’s movements this week. This flutter of movement is known as “quickening”.

Your little one is about 12.7 centimetres and weighs around 150 grams.

They can perform reflex actions. They need to know these skills, such as sucking and swallowing so they can receive nutrition properly after birth.

How is your baby’s brain developing?

Your baby’s brain has developed to a point where it can regulate their heartbeat, which is now at a pace of 140 to 150 beats each minute.

What pregnancy symptoms might you experience this week?

Your baby’s weight has doubled in the last two weeks, which has also made you gain more weight at this pregnancy stage. Gaining too many kilograms, however, can contribute to pregnancy and labour complications. Note these steps to manage weight gain and keep your pregnancy on a healthy track:

Track your weight gain.

You should be gaining six kilograms in this second trimester and a total of 10 to 12 kilograms throughout pregnancy.

Eat a variety of essential nutrients to support your baby’s development thoroughly

For example, the protein found in poultry meat builds your baby’s body and fatty fish, such as salmon (ravas), have DHA to fuel brain growth.

Mom’s tip of the week

Weight gain can also be regulated with regular exercise that is gentle on your bodies such as prenatal yoga and swimming. Remember to consult your doctor before doing any exercises during your pregnancy.


  1. Krishnaswamy K, Sesikeran B. Dietary Guidelines for Indians –A Manual. National Institute of Nutrition;2011.
  2. Data on file